Saturday, February 7, 2009

I am very excited! Tomorrow, I, along with an incredibly supportive community here in MA, will celebrate the publication of "Kisses From Dolce!" We will toast with some wine (sparkling grape juice for the kids), indulge in a bit of cheese and crackers and fruit and, most importantly, introduce the book to the world! I will be meeting the community, talking about the book, selling and signing. It should be quite the day!

So far, feedback from those who have seen "KFD" has been wonderful, especially from educators, therapists and savvy parents. Still, receiving feedback from the broader community is a humbling thing and I am gearing up!

The women of ATC Sisterhood, who have steadfastly supported my CSA prevention efforts since day one, will be by my side, helping to assure an event that runs smoothly. When it was so hard for me to speak up about my background and my intentions of turning that into a way to help kids and make the world a safer place, Sisterhood was there. As any survivor knows, having people around you who support you, encourage you and believe in you is key to gaining confidence, forging ahead and healing. The women of ATC Sisterhood have consistently done that, in a very concrete way, and I thank them. A percentage of the sale of each new "KFD" will be donated directly to our ATC Sisterhood D2L Workshop Fund and, tomorrow, I will double the normal amount in celebration of the day.

Child sexual abuse can be a very difficult topic for many people to discuss; we are slowly making headway with that. Denial and fear of CSA often get in the way of the very discussions that could lessen its occurrence. It is my deep hope that "Kisses From Dolce: A Book for Children About Trusting and Telling" will open up new avenues of discussion, between parents and children, educators and their students, therapists and their patients and, also, between adults, all with the promise of making the world safer for the children we love so much. I hope you will visit here again and share your experience with the book or about your own CSA journey.

There is an expression used by yoga practitioners that means "the light in me honors the light in you;" that expression is "namaste." To all of you who have stopped here to visit I say, "Namaste." I look forward to hearing from you.

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